Training Services

At Spartan Training, you will not find a one size fits all training program. I understand that each and every person is different, with goals they wish to achieve. This has led me to offer a number of different training options. Whether you train in a group or train with me on 1:1 basis I will tailor a routine specific to YOU.

Here are some of the different programs I offer:


What do you get when you combine your energy and enthusiasm with like-minded people and a program to improve fitness, functional strength, core stability, and posture? I would like to say the best Bootcamp London has to offer! I will guide each and every person through a blend of High-Intensity Interval Training drills, boxing routines, resistance training, cardiovascular training and flexibility training. My Bootcamps are fun, dynamic and are a proven method of training that obtains quick and long-lasting results.

Brand New

Stretch & Recovery

Stretching and Foam Rolling are the unsung heroes of fitness. They keep your muscles free from injury, flexible and keep you feeling young.
It also helps flush out any lactic acid build-up and release and tension being held in muscles.
My Stretch and Recovery routines not only help with injury but also help with pain management. Using both Stretch and Foam Rolling will definitely help reduce post work out and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), which may show up 1 or 2 days after a workout.
I would recommend you book this too if you are looking to take your training to the next level.

Shared Personal Training

The same benefits of a 1:1 Session! Come along with a friend, partner or a family member and you will both receive a 5-star service from me while sharing time together getting fit. At Spartan Training I am always looking ways to motivate and inspire my clients. Partnering up with someone is just another great way of doing so.

Personal Training

My private 1:1 training sessions are designed specifically to help you achieve your goals. Your sessions will be created around your fitness levels and your realistic level of commitment. Sessions can be done at Whittington Park or I will travel to your local park or your home (whichever suits you) with all equipment supplied. All sessions are 60 minutes and I will be there to guide you every step of the way.

Nutrition Advice

Having knowledge about nutrition and maintaining a balanced diet is an important part of fat-loss and building muscle. What you eat can have a dramatic effect on your performance. With this in mind, I know it is worthwhile devoting some thought to what you put into your body when you are expecting it to perform well.
As part of your overall Spartan Training, you will be provided with general advice on all aspects of your diet to fuel your body and make you function at your optimum. I want you to make lifestyle changes without starving you of the foods you like. As an add-on, I can also create a bespoke dietary programme catering to your specific likes and goals.